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Kids Can Help the Earth, Too!

Earth Day is coming up and Super Moms 360 has come up with some fun ways that kids can help save the earth.  More powerful than they might think, kids can make a big impact with little changes they make in their day, not just on Earth Day, but all year round.

DIY crafts using recycled materials - Try making egg carton caterpillars, characters or paperdolls out of old magazines, and glowstick laterns from milk jugs.  They sky's the limit.  Use you imagination!

Neighborhood trash clean-up - You don't need to go far to make a difference.  While you're out walking the dog, reuse a grocery bag and pick up trash along the way.

Bike or walk to school - If you live close enough to school, try walking or biking instead of driving.  Bring mom or dad along for the exercise, too!  If you don't live that close to school, you can walk or bike to a nearby park and just enjoy being outside for a while.

Reusable lunch containers - Forget about brown bag lunches.  Use lunchboxes and containers for sandwiches and snacks that can be washed and reused.  Put water in refillable containers.

Conserve water - We often take water for granted, but simple things like turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth and limiting the time for your showers makes a big difference.

Turn off the lights - Teach kids to be accountable for turning off the lights when they leave a room.  To celebrate Earth Day, have a "turn off the lights night" where you play board games by candlelight together.

Capture the earth's beauty - Head outside with your camera and ask kids to take pictures of the beauty they find in even the smallest bits of nature.  It will help them look at the eart from a whole new perspective.


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