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Back to School Supplies without the Big Expense

I’ve decided to do back to school differently this year. I WANT a great selection of school supplies. I NEED the extra cost and time savings.
I cringe at the thought of plowing through one of the big retail stores with the kids in tow, only to find that they are sold out of almost everything I need. Another option is the warehouse clubs, but I really don’t need a 30-pack of binders or 1000 colored markers. 
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In flies to the rescue! Jet is the shopping club reinvented. As a Jet member, you are able to shop millions of items at great prices, and save when you shop at hundreds of Jet Anywhere stores, too. Jet offers savings on pretty much anything you buy, the ability to unlock more savings as you shop, free shipping on orders over $35 and free returns for 30 days. Now this I like!
As a mom, I am always skeptical, so I jumped on's Back To School section to find the items on my kids’ school supply list. Let’s put Jet to the test!
Immediately I found the site to be welcoming and easy to navigate. I simply typed into the search bar the item I was looking for (i.e. highlighter pens) and it came up right away. Not only did the site provide comprehensive descriptions but also the instant cost savings. Nice!
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After I placed each item in my cart, the screen showed my total savings which I found very helpful. My favorite was watching the savings go up and up as I added new items!
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And as I checked out, I loved the transparency that showed the original amount, the total savings & the free shipping (on orders over $35).
Not yet convinced? is offering a 3 month free trial membership (no strings attached). If you decide to continue, it’s only a $49.99 per year membership. If you don’t save more than the cost of membership during your time with Jet, they’ll even refund the difference. Visit for complete details.
Do yourself a favor and order your school supplies on this year. Just think of all the time (and money!) you’ll be saving!
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Super Moms 360 received compensation in exchange for writing this review. Although this post is sponsored, all opinions are those of Super Moms 360.

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