Prepare your kids for back-to-school with these smart habits that will get them ready for the demands of the school year.
1. A Kid-Cleaning of Their Rooms – Out with the old so there is room for the new. Have the kids take a morning or afternoon to go through their room and create 3 piles – trash, donate and keep. You’ll be able start the year fresh and feel more organized.
2. Have Kids Start Laying Out Their Clothes for the Next Day (Or Week) – If they are old enough, have them select their outfit for the next day so it is ready to go. I am a fan of doing this for all 5 days on Sunday evening so the whole week is planned.
3. Start Making Their Own Lunches and Snacks - If your child is becoming independent, they can start packing their own lunches and making snacks. The trick is to have designated areas in your refrigerator and pantry that contain items that are allowed to choose from.
4. Read and Start Studying (At Least a Little!) – Limit computer, TV and video game and encourage your children to read and start brushing up on skills they will need for the new school year.
5. Establish Chores that are Appropriate for the School Year – Start having the kids do chores that are age appropriate and can continue being done once the school year has started i.e. folding laundry, emptying dishwasher, tidying room.
6. Make Bedtime & Wake-Up Time Progressively a Little Earlier – This can be a gradual process. Adjust by 10-15 minutes each week so it is not a complete shock when it’s the night before school starts! |