Spring is just around the corner and it’s time to get cleaning! At SuperMoms360.com we believe that kids can help out, too. With a little guidance, supervision, and patience, the whole family can pitch in with age appropriate responsibilities.
Getting Started
Start them young – even little ones can contribute
Be patient – they are kids, not little adults, and need guidance
Keep tasks age-appropriate and add on as they get older
Age Appropriate Cleaning Tasks
Ages 3-5
Put toys away
Put shoes away & clothes in laundry basket
Help set the table by putting out placemats
Clear their own place at the table
Match socks from the clean laundry
Ages 6-8
Tidy their room
Wipe counters in the bathroom
Set the table & clear plates
Empty the dishwasher
Put away their own laundry
Ages 9-10
Clean their bedroom
More thoroughly clean the bathroom including the counters, mirrors, & toilet
Help wash dishes
Tweens & Teens
Start doing their own laundry
Mopping & dusting
Help with weekly cleaning tasks
Create a responsibility chart for your kids with both required and optional tasks
Required tasks shouldn’t need rewards, but be considered part of family responsibilities
To get allowance, kids need to do 1-2 items each day on the optional list as well
Other reward ideas include sticker charts or filling jars with small items for good behavior. Once the jar is full, the kids get a special outing
Spring Cleaning | Cleaning Tips | Cleaning Products | Kids | Kids Cleaning Tips |