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Surviving Summer While the Kids are Out of School

School’s out (or almost out)…hooray! Oh wait…I’m a mom so my job just got harder.  Whether you work or stay at home, summertime logistics can get complicated so has tips to keep the kids busy and help moms & dads enjoy their summertime, too.

Schedule days specifically to spend time with your kids – Most parents don’t get an official summer break, but try to plan at least a few days during the summer to give full attention to your kids.  Take a Southern California staycation - we’ve got great ideas in our Super Summer Staycation Guide

Prepare for the upcoming school year - Kids love technology, so embrace it by having them work on reading, typing & math. There is great software available to make learning fun. Going on vacation? Have the kids research the history and culture of your destination.

Schedule playdates in advance - If possible, coordinate with other parents so you watch their kids on certain days and then trade. Kids will have fun and you can get things done!

Sign them up for camps – Kids can get bored quickly during the summer, so sign them up for camps that will build camaraderie, keep them learning and get them moving.  Check out our Super Summer Camp Guide for the best camps in Southern California.

Factor in some downtime – It’s great to have an overall plan for the summer, but do leave free time available.  Kids like to relax, too. 

Invest in crafting or building supplies to keep them busy – Take a trip to your local retailer and pick up items and kits that will keep their creativity going throughout the summer.  If you need some ideas, take a look at our seasonal crafts and recipes.

Room reorganization – Get prepped for the new school year by going through clothes and shoes and de-cluttering.  Donate items you no longer need to charity.

Get outside – Physical activity will not only keep them fit, but it will tire them out as well!  We've got some fun water games and summer science activities that the kids can enjoy in the backyard.

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