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Beat the Boredom!

"Mom, I'm bored!"  The kids have been out of school for a while and are starting to go stir crazy!  We have creative and cost-effective ideas to help kids beat the boredom this summer and let parents keep their sanity.

Summer Grab Bag – Have each child write a few fun activities on pieces of paper (i.e. theme parks, museums, sports events, etc.) and let each select one out of the bag to be your “big” activity for the week.  

Junior Gardeners – Teach kids to grow their own food and gain an appreciation for healthy choices by planting a backyard garden.  Check out the clearance section at your local nursery or hardware store for inexpensive plants.

Backyard Activity Center – Be creative and use items you have around the house to create obstacle courses, water games and competitions.

Sports Extravaganza – Hit your local park or community pool for some fun activities in the sun. Choose multiple sports like soccer, basketball, swimming, tennis and golf.  Keep energized with healthy Sunshine Skewers for snacks.

Kids in the Kitchen – Create some simply, super summer snacks using everyday ingredients that are kid-friendly and delicious.  Check out our summer treats for easy and fun ideas.

Summer Book Club – Have your kids and some of their friends select a few age appropriate books they are eager to read. Get together every week or two and let the kids discuss what they’ve read.

Junior Photojournalists – Have your budding reporters document their summer with pictures and journals.  Let them get creative with special paper, stickers and scrapbooking supplies.

Trash to Treasures – Make cool crafts using recycled items you already have at home.  Our Colorful Caterpillar and homemade Bubble Wands are a good place to start!

Mad Science – Create crazy concoctions using simple household items.  Check out our Summertime Science experiments, kids will love making a Mentos Geyser and watching colors explode in milk!

“I’m Bored” Jar – Mom writes various chores on popsicle sticks and places them in a jar.  Every time one of the kids says “I’m bored!”, they select a stick and have to do the task. We bet they won’t be bored for long!! 

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