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Taking care of your family means first taking care of yourself! See below for
fitness ideas, parenting tips, health & wellness and articles just for you.

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Crunch with Twist on Ball
Starting Position Begin by sitting on top of the Swiss ball. Slowly walk your feet forward until the ball is at your mid to lower back. Your knees should be directly above your ankles in this position. You can either cross your arms over your c...

Submitted by: Stroller Strides

Crunch with Baby
Starting Position Lie down on the floor or a mat with knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Sit baby on your hips, resting against her back against your thighs. Gently hold her in position. Keep a space between your chin and chest (looking diagon...

Submitted by: Stroller Strides

Chest Stretch with Resistance Band
Starting Position Stand in a comfortable position, legs staggered, abs engaged, knees slightly bent, toes pointing forward. Grab the ends of the resistance band and extend your arms overhead, keeping your hands in line with the shoulders, elbow...

Submitted by: Stroller Strides

Beginner's Side Plank
Starting Position Lie on your left side, propping up your body on your left elbow. Place your elbow directly beneath your shoulder. Bend both of your knees at 90-degree angles, stacking your thighs on top of one another. Place your right hand o...

Submitted by: Stroller Strides

Plank with Knees
Targeted Areas: Core and Upper Body Lower your body to the floor in a push-up position. Place your hands directly under your shoulders, feet hip width apart, and body parallel to the floor. Lift one leg off the floor, bend that knee and reach ...

Plank Walk
Targeted Areas: Hamstrings, Arms and Core Directions: Start in a standing position with your feet hip width apart, and your hands by your side. Engage your abdominals, and hinge forward at the waist while keeping your head above your heart. ...

Step-Up with Lateral Leg Lift
Targeted Areas: Glutes, Thighs and Core Directions: Place your body next to the edge of a bench or chair, and turn to the side, facing away. Put one foot on the elevated bench or chair, with the opposite leg on the floor planted directly next...

Tricep Dips with a Punch
Targeted Areas: Triceps, Biceps, Shoulders Directions: Begin with by placing your hands under your shoulders by your side and sitting on a chair or bench. Shift your weight off of the chair by hovering your body in front of the chair. Use you...

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